We have developed our BIM capability significantly in recent years, and now deliver the majority of our projects to BIM level 2 using Autodesk Revit software, allowing us to provide two-dimensional drawings as well as three-dimensional ‘information-rich’ modelling.
We started using Building Information Modelling (BIM) in 2015 when working on projects such as Woodberry Down and Affinity Sutton and we discovered numerous benefits, in that we could work more efficiently, rapidly produce more sections and details, and provide 3-D visualisations to convey complex geometrical information. Our team now has extensive knowledge in using BIM and cross-team 3D modelling, and 90% of our clients choose BIM on new projects enabling us to continually develop and improve.
We have developed our own in-house BIM protocols and, more often than not, we follow project-specific protocols developed in conjunction with the rest of the design team. We have adopted industry-standard procedures and best practice in establishing our BIM protocols. These all conform to BS1192:2007, PAS1192-2: 2013, AEC UK BIM Standards and CPI Codes.
A lead technician is assigned to every project and supported by an experienced BIM Manager who oversees the strategy and delivery.
Following the BIM protocol is noticeably beneficial for both the design team and the client, as we are able to work to an enhanced level of coordination, thus reducing risk and adding value.